Opinion / Letters To The Editor

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 272

  • Letter - Teens ask readers to donate $25 to help save lives

    Updated Oct 2, 2024

    Serving as president for the just1mike Junior Board for our schools in an extreme honor. We’ve been volunteering for the just1mike Foundation since middle school. Just1mike was founded after Michael Brindley tragically died from sudden cardiac arrest in 2016 at the age of 16, right after finishing his sophomore year at Central. He was away at basketball camp when his parents received a call no parent should ever receive. Michael is missed every single day by those who love and know him. To honor Michael, his parents f...

  • Letter - Leacock earns support for DuPage County Board

    Updated Oct 2, 2024

    We are proud to support our own Hinsdale resident Baron Leacock who is running for DuPage County Board District 3. Raised in DuPage County by first-generation immigrants, Baron has a profound appreciation for our wonderful community. He grew up in Darien and attended Hinsdale South, then went on to graduate from Harvard and then a law degree from Columbia University. He has worked in several industries including real estate development, tax consulting and tech start-ups. Baron has returned to our community with his wife to...

  • Letter - Parents have right, duty to object to some books

    Updated Sep 11, 2024

    Kudos to the much maligned “two concerned parents of Hinsdale” who objected to LGBT-related books being purchased by school libraries. Bret Conway (Aug. 29 guest commentary) dismissed them as “morally outraged” people with “talking points” who were attempting to censor books written for children which they believed held morally objectionable content. He said in his commentary that they were “undermining the professional authority of our school.” In other words, parents have no right to object to the decisions that “professio...

  • Letter - September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

    Updated Sep 11, 2024

    Every day, 47 children are diagnosed with cancer in this country. Compared to adult cancer, pediatric cancer is rare, but it is common enough that you likely know someone touched by it. This vicious disease took Hinsdale’s Brooks Tonn too soon, and it now afflicts our son, Alexander Brown. Our children show us every day how strong they are, but they should not have to fight this battle. This September, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, please reflect on your hopes and dreams for your children. Then, please commit to g...

  • Letter - Parents have right to make own decisions for kids

    Updated Sep 4, 2024

    Recently, I read a guest commentary by Bret Conway concerning the banning of books in school libraries. He states there were attempts to censor 4,240 books in schools and public libraries in 2023. He labeled Moms for Liberty and Awake Illinois as extreme groups. Fortunately, we have free speech protected by our U.S. Constitution. Additionally, the 14th Amendment protect the rights of parents to make decisions for their children. The recent passage of HB 2789 makes it difficult for parents to object to certain books that...

  • Letter - Parents really interested in banning books in D181

    Updated Aug 14, 2024

    Make no mistake. The Hinsdalean’s Page 3 article (Aug. 8) about criticism of library books is about banning books. Do you want Kristina McCloy and Concerned Parents of Hinsdale deciding what your kids read? As a father of two in D181 with a third joining in a year, I don’t. ­— Jeff Schieber, Hinsdale...

  • Letter - Help from neighbors, police enabled owners to find lost dog

    Updated Jul 3, 2024

    Neighbors of Southeast Hinsdale — thank you all so much for your kindness and for taking the time to locate and secure our Bernese mountain dog, Zoe, who left our property (with her shock collar on!) last Friday night, June 21. We were attending a local event and were completely unaware that she had left our house and was walking the streets alone. When we finally looked at our phones, we had texts and messages from various friends and neighbors with her photo and description and were able to quickly piece together where s...

  • Letter - Letter writer needs refresher on First Amendment

    Updated Jun 26, 2024

    To the recent opinion submitter from La Grange (June 20) regarding her dramatic opinion on the protesters near the Hinsdale Fine Arts Festival, I respectfully submit the following: “... or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” I suspect that the person and her followers may not recognize the origins of this stanza. So I direct them to the U.S. Constitution, the First Amendment. — Joe Derezinski, Hinsd...

  • Protesters bring unexpected soundtrack to Fine Arts Fest

    Updated Jun 19, 2024

    Pamela Lannom’s article with regard to the Hinsdale Fine Arts Festival which took place on June 1 and 2 was engaging and informative, with many good quotes from the artists themselves. Unfortunately, after reading it, one would have no idea that an extremely loud anti-Israeli protest disrupted the normal peace and tranquility of the event for almost two hours of the six that the show was open on Sunday. While Ms. Lannom mentioned the cicadas buzzing and the rain on Saturday, saying neither deterred art show attendees, she l...

  • Cauley's involvement in civil lawsuit was inappropriate

    Updated Jun 19, 2024

    We are nearing the one-year anniversary of Sean Richards tragic death. Sean was killed on July 17, 2023, while walking on a Hinsdale sidewalk. I would like to thank the Hinsdale Village Board for improving public safety by proactively installing jersey barriers around Fuller’s Car Wash. As a resident of Hinsdale, however, I am concerned by some comments made by Village President Tom Cauley that were reported in Ken Knutson’s June 13 Hinsdalean article. At the June 11 board meeting, Mr. Cauley inserted himself into the mid...

  • Letters - Recent Hinsdale Central grad offers love letter to Hinsdale

    Updated Jun 5, 2024

    I graduated high school two weeks ago and have no idea how to feel. I’m a sentimental person, so as the school year wound down, I spent time thinking about my departure from family, friends and my Hinsdale life. I’ve lived here since birth — my first breath taken at Hinsdale Hospital. The thought of moving to Boulder, Colo., and living there for most of the year is, currently, an impossible one. These 18 years passed in a flash, but I feel grateful to have absolutely loved where I’ve grown up, the people I’ve met, the schoo...

  • Letter - Resident supports village, police response to e-bikes

    Updated Jun 5, 2024

    I would like to thank the Hinsdale Village Board and Deputy Chief Tom Lillie for addressing the issue of e-bikes. Parents: you probably think your (mostly male) pre-teens/adolescents are being responsible as they ride around town on their e-bikes, scooters, etc. They are not. I run, walk, bike and drive through Hinsdale several times a day. If you saw your sons cutting across Madison, crossing 55th Street (against the light), heading south toward Ruth Lake in the middle of the street popping “wheelies” with a friend or siblin...

  • Letter - All rights should be respected during protests

    Updated May 8, 2024

    The recent unrest on college campuses has triggered my memory of 1968, when I was in the rather unique position of being an anti-war demonstrator and the daughter of a Chicago law enforcement officer. I was not present at the demonstration that turned violent in Grant Park the year following the Democratic convention, but my father was. His firsthand account of his experience lives in my memory. Among the sincere and well-intentioned young people who protested for peace and an end to the war in Vietnam were outside agitators...

  • Letter - Free heart screenings at Central might save teens' lives

    Updated Apr 10, 2024

    On April 2, 2024, just1mike and Mend A Heart foundations sponsored Young Hearts for Life free ECG in-school heart screenings at Hinsdale South. Six hundred and 16 students were screened. Nine students were identified with a previously undiagnosed cardiac condition. Since 2017, 20 Hinsdale Central students have been identified with undiagnosed cardiac conditions through the YH4L screenings sponsored by the just1mike foundation. Heart screenings save lives. As junior board members for the just1mike foundation and Central...

  • Letter - Don't use taxpayer money for incentives

    Updated Apr 3, 2024

    The Historic Preservation Commission has been involved in generating grants and tax abatements to assist in the financing and construction of additions to homes on the Historically Significant Structures Property List. The HPC and the trustees are subsidizing the improvements to private homes with taxpayer money. President Cauley has said that the owners needed “incentives” to undertake these improvements. During a recent HPC meeting, a proposed new home to be built in the historic district was discussed. The HPC did not giv...

  • Letter - Support Community House at 'Artificial Hinstelligence'

    Updated Mar 13, 2024

    I’d like to thank the people of the Hinsdale community who attended the 2024 Community Revue, “Artificial Hinstelligence.” Our opening weekend was a spectacular success, with audiences raising the rooftops with their laughter. We hope that those who have not yet had an opportunity to see this original musical revue skewering all things Hinsdale will come to Kettering Hall for our final weekend. It will be our pleasure to entertain you, with proceeds benefiting the incredible programs that The Community House offers. And r...

  • Letter - New homes add value, interest to Southeast Hinsdale

    Updated Feb 21, 2024

    Robbins Park? Southeast is the true name of the controversial neighborhood in Hinsdale. It’s Southeast Hinsdale. The dirt that lies under homes — that were built in a different era, when folks listened to the radio after having dinner provided to them by live-in servants — is the focus of wealthy homebuyers these days. It’s the beauty of lot sizes, mature trees, exclusivity of Southeast that enchants buyers. Many, many homes in Southeast have been torn down and many more will be too. What some residents do not choose to admit...

  • Letter - Neighbors making living in Hinsdale so wonderful

    Updated Jan 31, 2024

    Jan. 14 we escaped the winter for 11 days. Like always, our neighbors take care of everything while we are gone. We stop the mail and newspaper deliveries and our “ghost lights” go on and off while we are gone. Already a day later, Shari Cornies called us in Mexico to find out if we were well and happy. She had found our Sunday news paper in the driveway. She worried if we were OK, and if we had made the trip to Mexico safely. Jan. 25 we came back from our dream vacation. Our house was icy like an igloo. We went to bed wit...

  • Letter - Schools should take role in advocating gun safety

    Updated Jan 17, 2024

    Like any parent, I am accustomed to receiving a lot of emails from my kids’ school – many of which relate to safety. Whether the communications relate to crossing the street, bundling up during the winter or staying home when sick, it is clear our schools are invested in students’ welfare. Why, then, don’t schools communicate with parents about the No. 1 cause of death among children in the U.S.? This danger is not the flu, crossing at a crosswalk or forgetting a scarf – it is firearms. Every year, 350 children in America g...

  • Letters - Anniversary special section brought back great memories

    Updated Nov 21, 2023

    I enjoyed your newspaper’s account of Hinsdale’s 150th anniversary. The 1960s-70s were an electric time. HTHS was much more than an athletic powerhouse. The junior high and high school had outstanding teachers. Robert Michalek taught an eighth-grade advanced science class that presented DNA concepts other students did not get until college. The foreign language program prepared us for college and lifetime travel abroad. In 1965, the high school hosted a Community Conference on Values. Dr. Bruno Bettelheim was the keynote spe...

  • Letter - Anniversary issue prompted reflections of high school days

    Updated Nov 15, 2023

    I enjoyed your newspaper’s account of Hinsdale’s 150th anniversary. The 1960s-70s were an electric time. HTHS was much more than an athletic powerhouse. The junior high and high school had outstanding teachers. Robert Michalek taught an eighth-grade advanced science class that presented DNA concepts other students did not get until college. The foreign language program prepared us for college and lifetime travel abroad. In 1965, the high school hosted a Community Conference on Values. Dr. Bruno Bettelheim was the keynote spe...

  • Letters - What the ads for Medicare Advantage don't tell you

    Updated Nov 8, 2023

    Medicare open enrollment, now in progress, will end on Dec. 7. Medicare recipients have two choices for covering their medical expenses not paid by Medicare Parts A and B: traditional Medicare, or a Medicare Advantage plan (also known as Medicare Part C.) “Traditional Medicare” is defined in this letter as Medicare Parts A and B, plus a Medigap plan, also known as “a supplemental,” plus a Part D plan that covers medications. Advantage plans are allowed to advertise without disclosing the financial incentives for insuran...

  • Letter - Editor's column on free speech misses key point

    Updated Nov 1, 2023

    The premise of your Oct. 26 commentary (“Want free speech? You’ll hear things you don’t like”) is at best flawed and misleading and at worst is a piece of propaganda. In this column, you do not distinguish between free speech, the right to speak our thoughts and opinions without government interference or retaliation, and unprotected speech, which includes threats and messages that transmit hatred and may provoke violence. Since you did not distinguish between free speech and unprotected speech, you misled your readers...

  • Letter - Disney's efforts to modernize princesses lauded

    Updated Nov 1, 2023

    A recent guest columnist characterized Disney’s remake of “Snow White” as an insult to the tradition of its iconic princesses. To be sure, the tradition goes way back — my three sisters and I had been obsessed with Disney princesses in the ’50s and ’60s. Fast forward to the ’90s: we raised our two daughters from China, turning to Disney flicks and traveling to Orlando for the additional treat of having tea with these princesses. Then we got lucky. “Pocahontas” came out and then “Mulan” followed. This was during the peak y...

  • Letter - Support just1mike foundation, prevent SCA with donation

    Updated Oct 4, 2023

    Damar Hamlin and Bronny James are lucky. They were in the right place at the right time when they suffered their sudden cardiac events. Many are not so lucky, like our family friend Michael Brindley. Michael attended Hinsdale Central. He was known for his big heart and big hugs. Michael loved all sports. He dreamt of becoming a sports journalist. Sadly, Michael's dream was never realized because he passed away in 2016 from sudden cardiac arrest at age 16. October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness month. SCA is the No. 1...

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