Letter - Free heart screenings at Central might save teens' lives

On April 2, 2024, just1mike and Mend A Heart foundations sponsored Young Hearts for Life free ECG in-school heart screenings at Hinsdale South. Six hundred and 16 students were screened. Nine students were identified with a previously undiagnosed cardiac condition. Since 2017, 20 Hinsdale Central students have been identified with undiagnosed cardiac conditions through the YH4L screenings sponsored by the just1mike foundation. Heart screenings save lives.

As junior board members for the just1mike foundation and Central students, we are urging all parents to register their children for the free ECG screening conducted by YH4L at Hinsdale Central on April 23.

The quick, noninvasive ECG can detect 70 percent of conditions that can cause sudden cardiac arrest. SCA is the leading cause of death in young athletes in the U.S. — resulting in one death in a high school student every three days, according to some experts. Pre-participation/sports physical can only detect 4 percent of conditions that can cause SCA. SCA is also the No. 1 cause of death on school campuses nationwide.

Thank you to Matthew Hoffend (2020 Central graduate/just1mike junior board founder) and family for providing the privacy drapes this year. Without their donation, Central would not have been able to hold screenings for at least another year. ECG screenings are recommended every two years for young adults ages 12-24. Please register your child for the free lifesaving gift of an ECG screening today! Visit Hinsdale Central’s or YH4L’s websites regarding online registration.

Thank you. — Sophia Admire, Darren and Justin Carlevato, Jillian Cowhey, Kaleigh Kozlowski, Bridget Schwarz, Maddie Starr and Carl Styka, junior board members