Sports / Student Athlete Profile

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  • Student athlete profile

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Aug 28, 2024

    Owen Stamer Clarendon Hills When did you first start playing football? I started playing football as early as you're allowed to play tackle football - probably third of fourth grade - with the Falcons. What do you love most about the sport? It's taught me everything. It's taught me a lot about teamwork, leadership, hard work, determination, moral values. You have to put in a lot of hard work to get the results you want. It's taught me so many life lessons beyond it being a...

  • Student athlete profile - Aidan Hernandez

    Ken Knutson|Updated May 29, 2024

    Aidan Hernandez Hinsdale How was finishing your Central tennis career with a state title? It feels good. A team title is really great, and especially since it was (head coach John) Naisbitt's last year and a great way to send him off. What do you remember about freshman season? It was a very new experience for me. We had a shortened season because of COVID. I was playing football, too, and football was moved to spring so the two seasons overlapped and it was pretty chaotic. Wh...

  • Student athlete profile - Annie Mayer

    Updated May 22, 2024

    Annie Mayer Hinsdale How old were you when you started playing softball? I was 9. I started playing softball because some of my friends did and my dad is a really big baseball fan and has always loved baseball. I started on multiple travel teams around the area. What do you love most about the sport? I just love the friendships that you make through softball and all the memories, whether that's in the dugout or at practices or at dinners. What is most challenging part of...

  • Student athlete profile - Parker Matthews

    Ken Knutson|Updated May 1, 2024

    Parker Matthews Hinsdale How long have you played lacrosse? I started playing lacrosse in fourth or fifth grade, and I've been playing ever since, My older sister (Riley) played, too. I did club lacrosse for a little, and then I stopped when I started playing high school. We have a lot of offseason activities, so I feel like it's just been pretty constant play, with just a couple months off. What do you enjoy about the sport? I enjoy the teamwork aspect of it. I'm also a...

  • Student athlete profile - Ana Hodneland

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Apr 24, 2024

    Ana Hodneland Hinsdale When did you start running? I ran in seventh grade at HMS. I didn't have a season in eighth grade because of COVID. I joined the track team my sophomore year because I did soccer freshman year. What has kept you involved? I like the team atmosphere and being able to compete with and against all the girls on the team. I've been playing club soccer all my life. It's been fun to switch it up with track the past three years. What is your favorite event?...

  • Student athlete profile - Matt Ruth

    Ken Knutson|Updated Apr 17, 2024

    Matt Ruth Clarendon Hills What goals have you set for your senior year in volleyball? My goal for our team is I want us to win regionals again this year, If we win that, it would be our fifth year in a row as a school. Personally, I want to make at least Second Team All State. What do enjoy about the sport? I really enjoy how much of a team sport it is and getting close with my teammates. How long have you played? I started playing in eighth grade. That’s when my older b...

  • Student athlete profile - Yaseen Halabi

    Updated Apr 3, 2024

    Yaseen Halabi Hinsdale When did your water polo journey begin? I lived in California before moving here as a sophomore. (Water polo) is really big out there - it's like football in Texas. I started playing club around sixth grade year-round. How have you evolved as competitor? I've seen a big improvement in my swimming. I never learned how to swim, but during COVID I watched YouTube videos and learned the techniques. That was a tough adjustment at a big swim school like Hinsda...

  • Student athlete profile - Marc Cihlar

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Mar 13, 2024

    Marc Cihlar Clarendon Hills How did get started in gymnastics? I started when I was really young, maybe 4 years old, because my older brother was doing it and I thought it was cool. What do you enjoy most about the sport? I think it’s everything a sport should have. There’s a team aspect. There’s an individual aspect. What is your favorite event? Horizontal bar. I think it’s the most fun event where you can just do as many flips as possible. It might be the highest risk event, but I think it’s just the most fun because it’s t...

  • Student athlete profile - Luke Jurack

    Jim Slonoff|Updated Mar 6, 2024

    Luke Jurack Hinsdale What are you looking forward to in your senior baseball season? A lot more people will be looking up to me now for guidance. It will definitely be a change of pace. It's pretty good to be in this role now and help shape the team and win some games. How have you grown as a player? I was more focused on myself and my recruiting process as a freshman. Now I put the team first and just try to help the team out in any way possible. When do feel the greatest rew...

  • Student athlete profile - Nate Harris

    Ken Knutson|Updated Feb 7, 2024

    Nate Harris Willowbrook What's the mood as the team enters the postseason? Definitely a lot more excitement. We've really started swimming a lot faster and doing a lot more sprinting and fast-paced work rather than yardage. It helps boost our morale. When did you start swimming competitively? I joined a summer team at a really young age, maybe 5 or 6. My older brother was doing it so I kind of just followed in his footsteps. I just stuck with it through all these years. What...

  • Student athlete profile - April Wu

    Updated Jan 24, 2024

    April Wu Hinsdale When did you start bowling? I started during COVID. My dad is actually a bowler, so I would bowl with him and then just decided to join the bowling team. What do you enjoy about the sport? I like the social aspect of bowling and how it can bring people together while also being competitive. When I'm bowling with friends or playing in a league or on the Central team, it's a fun and relaxed environment. I've also made a lot of friends with players from other...

  • Student athlete profile - Marko Ivanisevic

    Ken Knutson|Updated Jan 10, 2024

    Marko Ivanisevic Hinsdale When did you start wrestling? Wrestling wasn't big to me until my sophomore year in high school. As a kid I wasn't very good, and I didn't have a lot of wins. I stuck with it, thanks to my mom and dad, and I ended up taking fifth at state my sophomore year. That's when I really fell in love with the sport. What do you love about it? Just the grind. I love working hard in the sport. I gave up football my senior year to wrestle more, and that was a...

  • Student athlete profile

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Dec 20, 2023

    Hazel Hamelka Clarendon Hills When did you first start competing in gymnastics? I started doing gymnastics at the age of 2, but I didn't start competing until I was 10. What is your favorite event? That's a tough question. I'd probably say vault because I'm the best at it. What is your least favorite event? Probably beam, only because I'm a big worrier and I think sometimes it's kind of hard to be positive, especially if you fall, because it's pretty easy to fall off a beam. H...

  • Student athlete profile - Daniel Orozco

    Updated Dec 13, 2023

    Daniel Orozco senior When did basketball grab your interest? In middle school, I was more of a runner. During the pandemic I started picking up the basketball and shooting and playing with friends. I kind of went fully into basketball after that. What do you enjoy about playing for Central? I love going to practice every day and competing with everyone. I'm excited to play with my brother, Dillon, a junior, and watching him getting better every day. What position do you play?...

  • Student athlete profile - Grady Hyland

    Updated Dec 6, 2023

    Grady Hyland Clarendon Hills When did you first start bowling? I've played in the past, just recreationally, for fun. This is the first year that I actually got on the team and have been taking it seriously. Why did you try out? Some of my friends were doing it, and I just finished football, and it was my last high school sport that I was ever going to play. I just wanted something to do with my time. How do you stay in a positive mindset? I play baseball as a pitcher, so it's...

  • Student athlete profile - Oliver Pohlenz

    Updated Oct 18, 2023

    Oliver Pohlenz Hinsdale Have you enjoyed your senior season? The season's gone by really fast for me. I really wanted the team to be the best it can be and win another regional and sectional championship. When did your soccer life begin? Probably when I was 6 playing with my buddies through AYSO. My dad was a coach for a long time. I just fell in love with the sport and the environment. How have you evolved as a player since freshman year? My freshman year I started off...

  • Student athlete profile - Evan Kurimay

    Pamela Lannom|Updated Oct 11, 2023

    Evan Kurimay Clarendon Hills When did you first start running competitively? My sophomore year in track and field, which was the spring of 2022. I was a (club) soccer player. I was playing and I decided to come run some distance to try to get in shape for soccer. Why did you stick with it? I had to travel far away for competitive club soccer. I didn't know anyone from the club. At the same time, I got immersed in the community of running, meeting fantastic coaches and...

  • Student athlete profile - Safia Giannini

    Ken Knutson|Updated Oct 4, 2023

    Sofia Giannini Hinsdale How did you get into cross country? My friends were doing it freshman year, and it was one of the only sports that was available during COVID. I ended up really loving it, so I stuck with it. How have you evolved as an runner since then? I've definitely become more interested in the sport and more invested in the team. It's become a bigger aspect of my life, and the more I run, the more I enjoy it. What are your goals for this season? I definitely want...

  • Student athlete profile - Devin Swoyer

    Updated Sep 27, 2023

    Devin Swoyer Hinsdale How did you get interested in golf? I first got interested in golf when my brother, he plays hockey, he was playing in Sioux Falls, S.D. He came back one summer. He started playing and I started playing when I was around 11 with him. What do you enjoy most about golf? I kind of just always enjoyed being competitive, and when I stopped playing hockey, this was the best way for me to do that. How long did you play hockey? I played from when I was 2 years...

  • Student athlete profile - Rachele Cameli

    Updated Sep 20, 2023

    Rachele Cameli Hinsdale What's your goal for your senior tennis season? I'm just excited to play as hard as I can and always strive to win because there's no next year for me. When did you first start playing? In seventh grade. My sister played in high school, so I wanted to follow in her footsteps. What do you enjoy about tennis? It requires a lot of physical and mental endurance, and you need to form a plan but also adapt to your opponent, in both singles and doubles. Do...

  • Student athlete profile - Elizabeth Sessa

    Updated Sep 13, 2023

    Elizabeth Sessa Hinsdale How did you start playing volleyball? I started playing club when I was in sixth grade. At that age, I wanted to try everything, and it's the one that really stuck. What has kept you playing? I think it's consistently been my teammates, the camaraderie and friendships that you can make from the sport. How have you improved since your freshman year? I think the biggest thing has probably just been confidence. The skills have obviously progressed. It's...

  • Student athlete profile - Holden Satre

    Updated Apr 26, 2023

    Holden Satre Senior Clarendon Hills When did you first start playing water polo? I first started the summer between eighth and ninth grades because I knew the coach and I was a member of the country club. Because he was coaching, I just joined the team with him. I had been swimming for a really long time and water polo seemed like a fun way to stay in the water. What do you enjoy most about the sport? Honestly the best part of the sport is playing games. I just love the strate...

  • Student athlete profile - Tommy Webster

    Ken Knutson|Updated Apr 19, 2023

    Tommy Webster Senior Hinsdale What drew you to the sport? I like fast-paced sports and had been playing soccer. I thought being to hit people with sticks was kind of fun. What did it mean to set the program record for career goals earlier this month? It was a surreal feeling, just being able to get a record even though COVID took my freshman season away. What's special about the team? I just really like being around a group of guys that all want to go out and do the same thing...

  • Student athlete profile

    Ken Knutson|Updated Apr 5, 2023

    Nikolas Theotikos Junior Hinsdale What's your earliest memory of gymnastics? I remember my coach, when I was like 8 or 9, teaching me how to do circles on the pommel horse, which helped make me good on the pommel horse all these years later. What do you enjoy about the sport? It's just really incredible when there's a trick you think you could never do, and a year later you're doing it. I love the gymnastics community as well. How have you evolved since freshman year? I was definitely more timid and afraid as a freshman. But...

  • Student athlete profile

    Updated Mar 22, 2023

    Jessica Han Senior Oak Brook What drew you to the sport of badminton? My older sister played at Central, and I kind of got roped in with it. Eventually I just thought it was really fun. What do you enjoy about it? I like that it's fast-paced and you don't need to much strength, which is good because I'm not super strong. I also like how you need good technique and also a lot of strategy to figure out how your opponent is going to react. It's kind of a mind game. How would you describe your playing style? This year I've gotten...

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