Nurse finds niche at new concierge medicine practice

Illness doesn't work on a 9-to-5 schedule. That's just part of why RUSH Concierge Medicine is the right choice for its members, said Marie Runyan, registered nurse and concierge nurse navigator at the Hinsdale facility.

Opening its doors at 32 E. First St. just a month ago, RUSH Concierge Medicine is a new addition to both the RUSH brand and to Hinsdale.

Concierge medicine provides members with 24/7 access to their doctor. Wellness care, including physicals, immunizations, lab work and acute care visits, are included in the annual membership fee. Because the practice is available to members only, same-day and next-day appointments are the norm, Runyan said.

While a conventional primary care office might see as many as 2,000 patients in a year, RUSH Concierge limits its membership to just 300, Runyan said, ensuring personalized attention to each patient without the rush they might feel with other doctors. She said the practice's physician, Luan Elezi, takes his time to listen to every patient's needs and address their concerns.

"I work alongside Dr. Luan Elezi to take care of our patient members with whatever they need," Runyan said.

New members begin their RUSH Concierge experience with a comprehensive 90-minute analysis of their overall health. Along with a physical examination, every new member receives a Seca body composition analysis, a baseline electrocardiogram and a test to gauge how the body metabolizes oxygen.

Lab work is done onsite and usually followed with a cup of coffee from nearby Café La Fortuna, Runyan said, offering the patient a delicious break from their required 12-hour fast.

Elezi reviews the test results during a follow-up appointment, at which he and the member set wellness goals and a plan to reach them.

"It's comprehensive care," Runyan said. "He can put all the pieces together to really look at you as a whole,"

Runyan, who has 10 years of experience in critical care nursing, prepared for her role at RUSH Concierge Medicine by opening and running her own concierge nursing business in California prior to moving to Hinsdale.

She said the opportunity to provide high-quality, personalized care drew her to critical care nursing. Concierge medicine, she said, allows for that same level of individualized attention and the ability to get to know each patient.

Runyan, her husband, and their two sons moved back to the area five years ago to be near family and have found the community to be a great place to raise their sons. Naming facilities like The Community House, Wellness House and Madison School among the places that make the village what it is, Runyan said RUSH Concierge is proud to be added to that list.

"We are thrilled to be part of the Hinsdale community," she said.

- story by Sandy Illian Bosch, photo by Jim Slonoff

Author Bio

Sandy Illian Bosch is a contributing writer to The Hinsdalean