Hinsdale police released the following reports Dec. 21 and 28.
DUI arrest
Andrius Matulis, 35, 6158 Knollway Drive, Willowbrook, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving with a blood-alcohol content higher than .08 and improper window tinting at 1:19 a.m. Dec. 23 at Route 83 and Chicago Avenue. He was charged and released to appear in court.
Wallet taken from employee
A wallet containing a drivers license, credit cards and $10 went missing during an employee’s shift at Hinsdale Surgical Center, 10 Salt Creek Lane, between 7:15 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Dec. 20. No fraudulent activity was reported on the credit cards.
Business check altered
Someone intercepted a check mailed from Foxford LLC, 12 Salt Creek Lane, and altered the payee information between Oct. 13 and 26. The incident was reported Dec. 22.
Decoration stolen
A resident reported a Christmas decoration worth $50 was taken from the yard of his home in the 500 block of North County Line Road at 5:40 a.m. Dec. 24.
Hit and runs reported
• Someone hit a car parked in the alley in the 100 block of South Washington Street sometime before 3:22 p.m. Dec. 9 and left without providing any information.
• A suspect driving a gray or silver pickup truck was involved in a crash at 4:50 p.m. Dec. 21 at Fuller Road and Elm Street and left the scene.
Identity theft reported
• The identity of a resident of the 10 block of South Springlake Avenue was used to open a credit card account at 3:41 a.m. Dec. 13. No dollar loss was reported.
• Someone used the identity of a resident of the 800 block of Taft Road to open a cell phone account July 26 and accrue charges of $11,659. The incident was reported Dec. 21.
Credit card fraud
A resident of the 600 block of South Park Avenue on Dec. 21 reported an unauthorized charge on her credit card dated Oct. 3.