Buy Hinsdale stickers, tags by May 1

Vehicle sticker and animal tag applications are on sale now for Hinsdale residents and must be purchased by May 1. A $25 late fee will be imposed for any vehicle stickers bought after the deadline. All vehicles registered in Illinois with a Hinsdale address must also be registered with the village through the purchase of a vehicle license sticker.

Residents should have received a vehicle sticker application in the mail earlier this month and have the option of purchasing 2023-24 stickers online at The sticker will arrive in the mail in about five business days after the online renewal is completed.

Residents still may purchase stickers in person at village hall, 19 E. Chicago Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays or to buy vehicle stickers via mail. Those who prefer to mail the application and payment should update the application form with any new or changed information and return it to the village’s finance department along with the proper fees. Please be sure to return both the top and bottom forms when submitting the application through the mail.

Questions? Call (630) 789-7001 or send an email to [email protected].