A word in opposition to 5G from a 'Millennial Luddite'

I am a Millennial, and I moved back to Hinsdale to wrap myself up in its historical cocoon. The beautiful homes and tree-lined streets hearken back to an age gone by, perfectly juxtaposed to the ever-forward, ever-faster pace of technology. Hinsdale was a reprieve from it all until 5G and its small cell towers started knocking on my door.

It is assumed I am all for the faster Internet, the smart homes and the self-driving cars, but alas I am not. Thus, I call myself a ‘Millennial Luddite.’

These advancements come with compromises. I shall list a few: your property value with an antenna in your front yard, your personal privacy once all appliances and devices are synced up and online, and of course your health. 24/7 365 you will be a helpless fly trapped in a web of microwave radiation from which you will never escape. MWR is a possible carcinogen, yet to be proven safe.

5G will reach into so many facets of our lives and the community, which will not be easy to restore once they are compromised. So, what to do about? Well, wake up. You can do some investigating into the concerns of 5G. Hop over to the Stop 5G Hinsdale & Neighbors Facebook page, help support the effort to stop the 5G roll out in Hinsdale. Hinsdale’s charm and character and our health need to be preserved as 5G knocks on all our doors. — Christine Nordloh, Hinsdale